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Tenant electricity pays off again! Energy suppliers, environmentalists and construction companies, among others, have been eagerly awaiting this news. The idea behind the supply concept is ingenious and would significantly advance the energy transition in Germany. It also brings numerous advantages for landlords and tenants, making this type of energy supply almost a must-have. In this article, we explain why rooftop modules are particularly attractive for cooperatives!


The sun shines for free on Germany's roofs - why not use it?

Tenant electricity has been around for a while. The first photovoltaic systems on the roofs of apartment buildings were connected to the grid around 2017. However, the concept quickly became quieter: tenant electricity was considered unattractive for a long time and was almost written off in the PV industry. Reasons included the high costs due to the EEG (Renewable Energy Act) levy at the time and the lack of funding opportunities. And the skepticism of some landlords towards tenant electricity also dampened the development and expansion of corresponding projects.

However, the energy crisis in 2022 and the growing awareness of climate-friendly energy have triggered a rethink. As a result, innovative tenant electricity models with their advantages are once again of interest to owners. The German government has contributed to this not least with the abolition of the EEG levy and new funding opportunities. The "EEG 2023" amendment, for example, now also entitles installations with an output of 100 kWp or more to a tenant electricity surcharge. In addition, there are further support measures planned in the photovoltaic strategy, such as a reduction in bureaucracy and the further development of existing tenant electricity models by means of the "Solar Package I" package of measures.

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    Tenant electricity for cooperatives - a sensible solution

    In fact, various energy supply concepts, some of them traditional, are currently enjoying a veritable renaissance. While a full supply is once again worthwhile for municipal utilities, tenant electricity is a promising solution for landlords. "Tenant electricity is on the rise and is not only interesting for new buildings where there is a legal obligation for a sustainable supply," says Daniel Budisky. The Key Account Manager of our subsidiary Solarimo adds: "Tenant electricity is also suitable for existing buildings whose owners and tenants want to tackle the issue of sustainability together and make a contribution to achieving climate protection targets."

    It should be emphasized here that tenant electricity has a number of key advantages that benefit cooperatives in particular. The reason: tenant electricity is made for the cooperative idea. With tenant electricity ...

    • cooperatives are offering their members a new energy supply service at attractive conditions: By law, tenant electricity is at least 10 percent cheaper than the local basic supplier tariff. The projects of our subsidiary SOLARIMO even achieve a reduction of up to 30 percent compared to the prices of local basic suppliers. This is a worthwhile option for all cooperative members who are still registered with their basic supplier to save money - especially in view of the high consumer prices.
    • housing cooperatives obtain local, environmentally friendly electricity, which they can use to operate communal building areas and outdoor facilities in addition to providing it to cooperative members. Surpluses can be fed into the grid.
    • cooperatives help their members to become more independent in times of high energy prices and a future that is still uncertain in terms of energy supply.
    • cooperatives contribute to the energy transition together with their members. This also enhances the cooperative's image as an environmentally friendly, innovative and future-oriented company.
    • cooperatives increase the value of their properties and can market them better.
    • cooperatives meet the new solar obligation for new buildings or renovation projects.
    • housing cooperatives save CO2 emissions and comply better with ESG standards.
    • cooperatives have significantly less work to do, as tenant electricity service providers such as SOLARIMO take care of all tenant electricity supply services.



    By the way

    Showcase projects in the field of tenant electricity often generate positive signals in the region as well as positive press coverage. Service providers such as our subsidiary SOLARIMO organize tenant electricity festivals when larger projects are commissioned. This helps to actively involve all those involved.

    More about Solarimo

    Tenant electricity for cooperatives in practice

    Although many cooperatives are aware of the advantages mentioned above, they are still reluctant to implement the energy supply concept of tenant electricity. This is understandable, as installing photovoltaic systems on the roofs of existing buildings requires know-how that is often lacking, a considerable amount of training and entrepreneurial decisions. In most cases, those responsible in housing cooperatives are not aware of how much potential lies on their roofs. In addition, there are uncertainties with regard to compliance with regulatory requirements - for example in the area of fire protection - and a certain economic risk associated with the investment also causes hesitation.

    However, cooperatives are not on their own if they want to dedicate themselves to a sustainable green electricity supply for their members. Today, housing associations can use contracting models to bring specialist support on board. An energy service provider takes on the planning, installation and operation of one or more PV systems. In addition, a contractor takes care of the sale of the tenant electricity and the purchase by the cooperative members.

    4 advantages of contracting for tenant electricity for cooperatives

    • The cooperative bears no sales risk, as a contractor is responsible for selling the electricity.
    • Thanks to processing via an external service provider, nothing changes for the cooperative in tax matters.
    • The cooperative does not have to fulfill any legal requirements, as it is not classified as an energy supplier in the case of contracting.
    • In principle, the cooperative has little organizational effort, as a contractor takes care of all tasks and duties.

    Tenant electricity for cooperatives - a service from ENGIE Germany

    At ENGIE Deutschland, we welcome the resurgence of tenant electricity and provide corresponding options for cooperatives. Photovoltaic specialists such as our subsidiary Solarimo offer all-round carefree packages for the green electricity supply of cooperatives. Find out more here:


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    Our Expert

    Daniel Budisky
    Daniel Budisky is team lead for sales, housing and districts at Solarimo GmbH. He has a master's degree in Sustainable Energy Systems and more than 10 years of experience in the energy industry. He is an expert in the PV and tenant electricity sector and is TÜV-certified as an expert for PV systems.

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