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ENGIE Deutschland Leistungen: Energieberatung & Technische Energiekonzepte

Energy consulting and technical energy concepts

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 Energy efficiency is always the first step towards climate neutrality. Various approaches are available to optimize energy consumption and CO2 emissions – but not all are equally effective. With ENGIE Deutschland, you can be sure: Our consulting approach will guide you to an efficient energy concept that meets stringent ecological and economic requirements.

Your advantages with our energy consulting

  • Always sound
    We identify weak points and uncover hidden energy saving potential in your company.

  • Financially attractive
    We take care of applying for funding on your behalf.

  • Maximum efficiency
    Our experience, our market knowledge and our specialist know-how are incorporated into your energy management concept.

  • Success guaranteed
    You will receive a customized concept that is tailored to your needs and wishes.

We make saving energy easy: Our energy concepts meet your needs and objectives.

Our approach guides you to an efficient energy concept: Energy consulting by ENGIE Deutschland

When it comes to uncovering energy guzzlers, no one can fool us. We find the hidden savings potential in your company – that is our personal goal and our promise to you. For this purpose, we identify weak points in your energy profile. We optimize technical installations and identify and apply for funding on your behalf. We also ensure that you benefit from reduced network charges – all from a single source at ENGIE Deutschland.

What effectively reduces costs, and what resource expenditure is worthwhile for you? Our energy concepts take into account the ecological and economic requirements of your company. We develop an individual solution that fits your goals. Key advantage: In our team, we not only have experienced consultants, but also accompany you on the path of implementation with our technical expertise. You can choose between different models – for example, energy contracting financed by ENGIE Germany or a turn-key project. In both variants, you receive a guarantee of success from us, for example in the form of a savings certificate. This way you save money and save resources – guaranteed.

Grünstromzertifikate von ENGIE Deutschland – Klimaschutz mit Garantie.

Three steps to an individual energy concept

What do you want to achieve with your energy management in the future?

Would you like to use less energy in general? Or do you want to implement a sustainability strategy that is tied to specific targets? We work with you to develop individual "Energy Performance Indicators" - key figures that bundle the multitude of energy data in a clear and concise manner. On this basis, we control your energy management optimally.

What energy is used at which point and at what time?

Through intelligent  energy monitoring , we measure, count and compare your energy data – thus increasing transparency to the maximum. With our analyses, we set clear priorities on high savings potentials, guide you through the thicket of figures and create a solid basis for decision-making. Only the detailed knowledge of your energy profile allows a sensible energy management and the planning of technical optimization measures.

In view of the energy transition, active energy management is becoming increasingly important. With us you have real energy experts at your side. We fully exploit the potential for you – for example, by meeting the requirements of an energy management certification for you. Or if we optimally time the generation of decentralized electricity and the feed-in to the grid. And above all, in that we always supply your buildings and plants safely.

Whether it is the actual analysis of your energy profile or the implementation of identified saving measures from your ISO 50.001 process:

We are your partner for all questions concerning energy consulting and technical energy concepts.

Your contacts

Steffen Haller
Head of the Energy Efficiency division
Otto Klatte
Head of Sales Industry

Olaf Beyer
Head of Real Estate Management
Michael Worgitzki
Head of Sales Large Real Estate

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