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ENGIE Deutschland Leistungen: Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung

Combined heat and power

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The solution with the highest efficiency: The principle of combined heat and power makes combined heat and power plants (CHP) the most important decentralized generators of electricity and heating. With this method, ENGIE Deutschland offers you an efficient and on demand CO2-neutral supply of electricity and heating on site.

Individual solutions for your requirements

ENGIE Leistungen - Technik

    Lower costs
    compared to electricity purchased from the grid

ENGIE Leistungen - Technik

    Efficiency of up to 90 %
thanks to combined production

ENGIE Leistungen - Technik

    Advantages with continuous energy demand
in industry, hospitals and hotels

ENGIE Leistungen - Technik

    Green heating and green electricity
    with the use of biogas

Would you like advice on a CHP?

Bridge to supply from renewables

With CHP, you use the crucial bridge technology to supply 100 percent energy from renewable sources. CHP units are characterized by high levels of efficiency and offer favorable on-site generation compared to electricity purchased from the grid. If you operate your CHP module with biogas, you can already make the leap into the green supply of electricity and heating. Until your generation is completely converted, ENGIE Deutschland can offer certificates of origin from climate projects to offset residual emissions (Gold Standard).

CHP: Highest efficiency

CHP modules can achieve total utilization rates of up to 90 percent and save up to 35 percent of the primary energy demand and corresponding CO2 emissions compared to conventional large power plants. The joint and efficient generation of electricity and heat is appealing wherever you need to serve a continuous demand for energy, for example in industrial processes, in hospitals, in hotels and in interconnected residential properties. In municipal energy supply and district heating systems, CHP modules can also be used as a first step towards a low-carbon supply.

Application areas for CHP

Real estate: Modern replacement for outdated heating systems

Always consider the installation of a CHP unit when performing an energetic refurbishment. This way you can significantly improve the primary energy factor. If your property (or several in an energy network) has a heating need of about 400 to 500 kWth (kilowatts thermal) per year, it is already worth planning for a combined heat and power plant with a capacity of about 50 kWel (kilowatts electrical). Such a property could be, for example, a larger residential property or a training center. The electricity generated in parallel can be consumed directly on site by the tenants or owner companies (common-area electricity).

Industry and commerce: Decentralized energy supply for greater independence

If your company wishes to embark on the path to an ecologically and economically secure future, we at ENGIE Deutschland will support you in the process. Our energy specialists design and build the CHP to meet your needs and handle its operation. ENGIE also assumes all operational risks over the entire duration of the contract if desired. By adopting a heat-oriented mode of operation, you as a large-scale consumer can supplant the purchase of electricity from the grid. At the same time, a power-oriented operation to reduce power peaks can be a value-adding approach for you. Our engineers optimize the interaction of all components to reduce energy costs and achieve maximum efficiency. This ensures independent generation of electricity and heating for your production and commercial areas – and reduces your energy costs over the long term.

Hotels or hospitals: Long-term stable energy prices

When high energy demand and high competitive pressure are combined, things become critical – a situation that many managers in hospitals or hotels know all too well. How do you achieve greater energy efficiency? How is it possible to reduce the carbon footprint while guaranteeing a stable supply? ENGIE Deutschland offers a reliable supply of electricity and heat from efficient CHP plants as part of contracting partnerships. As an operator of a CHP plant, we are able to generate and guarantee additional cost advantages using our own technical and energy expertise. If desired, your CHP unit can run on "green energy" as part of the contracting or operational management model.

Public utilities and utilities: CO2-optimized heat generation with CHP

With a view to the energy future, smaller, decentralized structures are of enormous importance in order to ensure the basic load supply of the networks when nuclear and coal power plants are shut down. ENGIE Deutschland has demonstrated in two pioneering projects in Gera and Saarbrücken how we avoid CO2 by converting to CHP or optimizing outdated CHP plants and ensuring a more efficient supply of district heating. Highly efficient CHP systems generate district heating for local heat supply and electricity for feeding into the grid. On the way to a climate-neutral future, natural gas CHP plants are important bridges: Thanks to the efficiency of the cogeneration plants of up to 90 percent, they emit approximately 60 percent less CO2 compared to the power generation via gas turbines. The coupling of many small CHP plants to a virtual power plant makes a further contribution to securing the base load when there is a lack of sunlight.

We cover the entire value chain with CHP:

  • Planning, construction, operation and maintenance of CHP systems
  • Packaging of customized units
  • Financing as part of contracting offers
  • Nationwide CHP service from a single source
  • Portfolio management and balance sheet management
  • Taking into account energy needs and opportunities

H.G.S.: Service for CHP units by ENGIE Deutschland

H.G.S. GmbH is a full-service partner for operators of CHP units, gas engines and stationary diesel engines. The company is a subsidiary of ENGIE Deutschland and at your service. Our colleagues specialize in the maintenance, repair and general overhaul of engines. For some 40 years, they have been taking care of gas engines and stationary diesel units – directly at the customer's site or in their state-of-the-art workshop in Krefeld. In addition to the service for gas engines of all renowned manufacturers, H.G.S. is also a specialist for all components of CHP plants. The H.G.S. team has experience with all types of gas – biogas, natural gas, landfill gas, mine gas and sewage gas.

CHP services carried out by H.G.S.

  • Maintenance and servicing
  • Remotorization or flexibilization of the CHP plant
  • Replacement motors
  • System check and optimization of operation
  • Oil change service
  • General overhaul of CHP plants including generator
  • Machining of components (crankshafts, connecting rods, camshafts)
  • Turbocharger replacement
  • 44. BImSchV: Emission measurement and documentation of the data with the NOxCO Box
  • Catalysts


We would be happy to advise you!

Your contacts

Frank Hütter
Head of Technology, Operations and Service
Frank Riering
Managing Director H.G.S. Ltd

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