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Tenant electricity as a contribution to sustainability

A climate-friendly prime example of a win-win situation: By using locally generated tenant electricity, the real estate industry combines climate protection with affordable ancillary costs. The electricity prices of solar tenant electricity, for example, are usually ten percent lower than those of the local basic supplier. Tenant electricity also contributes to achieving a climate-neutral building stock.

Your advantages with us as a partner

  • As simple as possible for you
    because we plan, install and operate everything for you

  • We support your tangible contribution to sustainability
    support with marketing measures

  • Power  price at least 10% lower
    compared to the basic service rate

Implementation of your tenant electricity project

Benefit from a rapid implementation and a lot of flexibility in the realization of your tenant electricity project. Become a pioneer with innovative solar or CHP solutions and contact us today.

Tenant electricity from the roof: Our start-up Solarimo's projects

Kick-off project with BLB NRW Bielefeld

This project is the first of its kind between the construction and real estate company NRW Bielefeld and SOLARIMO GmbH.

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Sustainable combination of green roof and photovoltaic system

A green roof protects the roof against weather influences, stores the precipitation and ensures a more pleasant microclimate.

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Green electricity for the municipality of Walsleben

At the request of the tenants in the Brandenburg municipality of Walsleben, the Temnitz office realized a tenant electricity project together with SOLARIMO.

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Kick-off project with BLB NRW Bielefeld

This project is the first of its kind between the construction and real estate company NRW Bielefeld and SOLARIMO GmbH.

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Sustainable combination of green roof and photovoltaic system

A green roof protects the roof against weather influences, stores the precipitation and ensures a more pleasant microclimate.

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Green electricity for the municipality of Walsleben

At the request of the tenants in the Brandenburg municipality of Walsleben, the Temnitz office realized a tenant electricity project together with SOLARIMO.

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"Your commercial property has great potential for sustainable solutions. We support you in implementing tenant electricity projects as easily as possible. We plan, install and operate solar systems on your property, and together we drive the energy transition forward."

Anja Burde, Managing Director Solarimo GmbH

Tenant electricity for climate protection: Sustainability and low electricity prices

At the beginning there was a good intention: In 2017, the Bundestag passed the Tenant Electricity Act to give tenants a greater share in the expansion of renewable energies. State support for tenant electricity from photovoltaics aimed to provide incentives for the installation of solar installations on residential buildings.

The principle is clear: The solar power generated on the roof is delivered directly to the tenants inside the house and consumed directly inside the house. The unused electricity is fed into the public grid and remunerated. With tenant electricity, tenants receive clean electricity from the roof – and are guaranteed to save money: The electricity price offered is legally guaranteed to be at least ten percent lower than the price of the local basic utility.

Difficult framework conditions for solar systems

Despite the good starting position, the Tenant Electricity Act has so far fallen well short of expectations. The current framework conditions are not sufficient to tap into the existing potential. Experts criticize, for example, the restrictive regulations such as a limitation to installations with a maximum rated output of 100 kilowatts and the exclusion of neighborhood solutions. A further point of criticism is the unequal treatment of solar power for own consumption by homeowners and the use of tenant electricity - the tenant electricity premium of currently only 1.0 to 2.1 cents per kilowatt hour does not fully compensate the EEG surcharge.

Easy implementation as a success factor for tenants

Tenant electricity projects have so far been particularly successful where all the players involved cooperate closely with each other. Another success factor lies in making the implementation of tenant electricity projects as uncomplicated as possible. Making solar power more convenient for tenants - this is precisely what Solarimo, the tenant electricity start-up founded by ENGIE Deutschland, has set out to do. The team handles all tasks from planning, financing and installation to supply, maintenance and accounting with the tenants. Tenants and landlords alike benefit from this holistic concept, enabling them to actively participate in the energy transition.

Alternative tenant electricity models

In addition to tenant electricity from solar energy, other sustainable energy sources and technical solutions are also used. In particular, decentralized combined heat and power plants enable the realization of innovative tenant electricity projects. 

Tenant electricity from combined heat and power generation

ENGIE Deutschland offers its heating customers electricity generation in their own homes via a combined heat and power plant. Combined heat and power generation, i.e. the joint generation of electricity and heat, achieves a particularly high level of energy efficiency - fuel consumption and emissions are reduced while at the same time relieving the electricity grids. As a partner to the landlords, ENGIE Deutschland provides the complete service, from planning, financing and construction of the plants to operation and power distribution within the property, to feeding the surplus power into the grid and marketing it.

Related information on the subject of tenant electrity

Your contacts

Olaf Beyer
Head of Real Estate Management
Malte Künzer
Managing Director Solarimo GmbH

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