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Einfach und transparent: ENGIE Deutschland bietet Ihnen Energiemonitoring in Echtzeit.

Energy monitoring creates transparency

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How can you save energy in a targeted manner – and thus reduce your operating costs in the long term? This is revealed by structured energy monitoring. Our experts measure and analyze energy consumption as well as energy costs and identify critical load peaks within your buildings and systems. This increases transparency: You can only optimize what you monitor.

Your advantages with our energy monitoring

  • Find out more
    You get maximum transparency about your energy consumption and CO2 emissions.

  • Save more
    The evaluation of your data serves as a sound basis for decision-making for optimization measures.

  • Simple and flexible
    With our special ENTECTIV® system, you control your energy management with reliable key figures.

  • Tailored
    Our team develops a long-term efficient energy management for you.

Structured energy monitoring reduces costs and makes sustainable use of resources.

Where is the best place to start for this?

Manage energy easily: Energy monitoring with ENGIE Deutschland

Often companies do not know how energy efficient they are – or are not. If you want to keep your energy consumption and CO2 emissions under control and manage them in a targeted manner, you first need to know your current demand. Which plant consumes the most? Structured energy monitoring provides the answer to these and similar questions. That is why the analysis of your energy data is at the beginning of every saving or optimization measure.

However, intelligent energy monitoring goes beyond the initial analysis. It also entails continuously monitoring and regulating all relevant processes during ongoing operations. The specialists at ENGIE Deutschland support you with specific expertise – this is how we work with you to lay the foundation for efficient energy management in the long term.

Our solution for intelligent energy monitoring: ENTECTIV®

In doing so, we rely on a systematic approach that is as simple as possible: Our energy monitoring platforms bring together energy data from various sources, providing a convenient overview and reliable evaluations. For this purpose, we work with different systems and are manufacturer-independent.

In addition, with ENTECTIV® we have our own platform, which is recognized as energy monitoring software within the framework of energy management in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001. The system compares your energy consumption over a defined period of time, displays the data for individual consumers, exposes energy guzzlers and calculates individual energy performance indicators. This enables you to uncover savings potentials in real time. Another important benefit for you: When it comes to implementing specific savings measures, the ENGIE team has the necessary technical expertise.

Simple and flexible – with ENTECTIV® you can easily manage energy.

Our team will be happy to introduce the system to you free of charge.

Your contact

Steffen Haller
Head of the Energy Efficiency division

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