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Kit Campus

Efficient district cooling with power

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It is one of the largest research and teaching institutions in the world: The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) was established in 2009 by the merger of the Karlsruhe Research Center and the University of Karlsruhe. More than 9,000 employees work here. The operating company of the KIT Campus has been a satisfied customer of ENGIE Refrigeration for years.

At KIT, two ENGIE Refrigeration QUANTUM refrigeration machines are already cooling the campus data center. The customer was extremely satisfied with their performance, the excellent energy efficiency and the low costs for maintenance and decided to rely on QUANTUM for district cooling in the future as well.

Customer benefits

Maximum cooling output in the smallest space
Easy to maintain through oil-free operation
Outstanding energy efficiency

Our services

The energy demand of KIT Campus has increased significantly in recent years and the aging ammonia refrigeration machine was no longer efficient.  It was replaced by a QUANTUM P refrigerator with a cooling capacity of four megawatts (MW). In the center of the district cooling network, the QUANTUM P has been supplying several consumers with cooling power through a widely branched pipeline system. The QUANTUM P refrigerationmachine handles the complete supply of the KIT Campus South and provides the building climate control and process cooling there.

QUANTUM chillers are characterized by very quiet operation and high operational reliability. Both aspects were particularly important for KIT when deciding on a new refrigeration machine. The old ammonia refrigeration machine was so noisy that the institutes located directly next to the district refrigeration center had complained. The redundancy of the compressors ensures high operational reliability. This security was also important: In some laboratories, long-term experiments are carried out which are dependent on a constantly cool temperature.

Jürgen Löchner
Regional sales manager SüdENGIE Refrigeration GmbH