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Schwäbisch Gmünd

Schwäbisch Gmünd saves energy

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Energy costs with energy saving contracting permanently reduced

Since 2008, ENGIE has been supporting the city of Schwäbisch Gmünd with an energy saving contracting project, which has permanently reduced the city's energy costs. For the city with around 60,000 inhabitants, the joint project has numerous advantages: On the one hand, ENGIE invested around 1.6 million  euros in the renovation and modernization of the urban buildings and plants. On the other hand, ENGIE guarantees the long-term reduction of environmental pollution: Once the conversions have been completed, CO2 emissions will be reduced by 1,260 tons per year or by 44% for the optimized properties. These investments are refinanced over the period of the contract of about 10.5 years by the saved energy and maintenance costs.

The renovation measures significantly reduced the annual consumption of the selected buildings: Heat consumption by 31 %, electricity consumption by 18 % and water consumption by 10 %. Overall, energy and maintenance costs of around 240,000 euros per year are saved.

Customer benefits

Significant reduction in energy costs and CO2 emissions
Saving energy without investing
Planning, implementation and monitoring from a single source

Our services

The aim of the package of measures developed by ENGIE together with the city was to ensure high availability for the energy-technical installations while optimizing their economic efficiency. An important aspect is the use of renewable energies such as wood chips, but also the use of condensing and heat pump technology. In addition, pumps and valves, complete heating distributors, water heaters and the lighting were renovated in some buildings. In three sports halls, a new ceiling heating system was installed. This requires little maintenance and guarantees less heat loss via the building shell with higher comfort in the hall than with the previous heating via a ventilation system.


Steffen Haller
Head of the Energy Efficiency division

Further references