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LBV Düsseldorf

Partnership for energy efficiency in practice

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New building of the State Office for Salary and Supply

The inner values of a property are becoming more and more important: As magnificent and modern as a new building may look, it is only by an intelligent operating concept that keeps operating and follow-up costs low that it becomes sustainable. However, few building owners go so far as to consider the operator and energy concept as a central criterion for the award of a contract. The procedure of the construction and real estate company NRW (BLB NRW) in awarding the new building for the State Office for Salary and Supply NRW (LBV) in Düsseldorf in 2007 was all the more innovative.

Customer benefits

High energy efficiency over the entire property life cycle
Planning, implementation, operation and monitoring from a single source
Partnership cooperation

Our services

In this new building, which was intended to combine  five former sites of the LBV, an architect was not sought for the design, as is usually the case, but rather a construction team with an overall concept for architecture, energy and operation. When evaluating the offers, the architecture was only 20 % part of the decision – the operating concept, on the other hand, was  just as decisive as the offer price at 25 %. In terms of life cycle considerations, investment and operating costs were thus given equal weight – an innovative and pioneering approach at the time.

At the same time, a maximum primary energy consumption value was required, which had to be proven within the scope of a 2-year energy monitoring. After the completion of this monitoring phase at the end of 2011, it is clear that the targets have not only been met but have been significantly exceeded. The partnership of the building owner and operator BLB NRW and ENGIE Deutschland as responsible partner for the areas of operator concept, energy concept and monitoring as well as planning and execution of the TGA shows that this approach is trend-setting for practiced energy efficiency in the life cycle of real estate.

Sven Gelezas
Business Unit Manager for Building Technologies