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ENGIE Referenzen - Kunsthalle Weishaupt

Kunsthalle Weishaupt reduces its energy consumption by more than 50 %

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Annual cost savings of more than 75,000 euros.

From Mark Rothko to Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol to Josef Albers and Max Bill -  the Kunsthalle Weishaupt in Ulm houses a high-class collection of modern and contemporary works by renowned artists. Opened in 2007, the Weishaupt family museum displays over 400 paintings and sculptures, making it one of the most important private art collections in Baden-Wuerttemberg. However, the energy consumption of the Kunsthaus has so far been less outstanding than the exhibits shown. In order to reduce the ecological footprint, the Kunsthalle Weishaupt has been relying on the expertise of ENGIE Deutschland since summer 2018 – and has already  recorded significant energy savings within a few weeks.

Significant energy savings
Short payback period of approx. 4 years
Planning and implementation from a single source

Our services

ENGIE Deutschland implemented a whole  package of measures that quickly paid off for the Kunsthalle Weishaupt. Since November 2018, the electricity consumption of the building has already  halved and the electricity costs alone have fallen by 5,000 euros per month.

The necessary alterations were carried out  during a 2-week closing time of the Kunsthalle. The focus of the energetically motivated measures was on the efficient temperature and humidity control  of the exhibition rooms. By installing mobile humidifiers, the limit values of the relative humidity could be maintained during the conversion. The implemented measures pay off within about 4 years:

  • Energy-efficient regulation
  • Conversion from electric steam humidification to high pressure water humidification
  • Exchange of central water treatment
  • Retrofitting of recooling systems in the ventilation duct system

Steffen Haller
Head of the Energy Efficiency division

Further references