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Oberhausen 2

Community school in Oberhausen-Rheinhausen becomes a pioneer in energy efficiency

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New, better, more efficient

As part of the renovation of urban infrastructure/buildings, the municipality of Oberhausen-Rheinhausen put out to tender a project to increase the energy efficiency of the comprehensive school, a building from the 1970s. The sports and swimming hall next to the school offered great potential. A partner for energy saving contracting was sought that would covers the repair of ventilation, heating, water technology and sanitary facilities. ENGIE was able to win over the customer with a concept that significantly improves the energy efficiency of the buildings and at the same time significantly reduces the CO2 footprint.

Customer benefits

Lower energy costs and reduced CO2 emissions
Total guaranteed and capped project costs
Timely and efficient project implementation
All services from a single source - low coordination costs for the customer

Our services

A comprehensive energy concept was drawn up for the school, which exploits energy-saving potential and at the same time eliminates the need for structural renovation in the building.

The measures implemented by ENGIE range from the installation of two combined heat and power stations, energy saving lighting, insulation of the building shell, modern ventilation and pool water technology, renovation of the sanitary installations, to structural measures such as tile work or the renovation of the changing rooms.

The energy savings achieved speak for themselves:

  • 58 % lower power costs
  • 41 % savings in heat costs
  • 68 % less CO2 emissions.

Daniel Münch
Head of Sales Energy Solutions
Stuttgart branch

Further references