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City of Plochingen saves CO2 and energy costs

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Reduction of CO2 emissions of optimized buildings by about 33.5 %

The city of Plochingen, with about 14,300 inhabitants, is located at the confluence of Neckar and Fils as an eastern gateway to the Stuttgart region.  With ENGIE Deutschland, the city has concluded an energy-saving contracting agreement for a term of 10.5 years. The heating technology was modernized, water heaters and control technology were renewed in 14 municipal properties, such as kindergartens, schools and the municipal pool. The maintenance and servicing of the plant technology within the contract period is also part of the contract.

ENGIE guarantees the city on the Neckar savings of around 271,000 euros per year. At the same time, these savings mean a reduction in the CO2 emissions of the optimized buildings of about 33.5 %. ENGIE will bear the investment costs for the modernization measures and the financing of the maintenance and servicing work totaling approximately 2.8 million euros. The refinancing shall be made exclusively via the energy, maintenance and maintenance costs saved within the contract period. The total savings will then be used by the City of Plochingen. If savings are higher than estimated during the term, the City and ENGIE share the surplus.

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Based on the different building types of the properties in Plochingen, the city's managers decided on individual measures in coordination with ENGIE. One of the municipal heating centers, which supplies two of the schools together with the sports hall with heating energy, is now connected to the district heating network. Two combined heat and power plants are being used to generate heat and electricity in a newly built local heating system with a secondary school, a secondary school and an indoor swimming pool. In the gymnasium, the installation of a ceiling heating system with integrated lighting and a renovation of the water heating contribute to an optimized energy utilization. The numerous renovation and construction measures carried out by the city in the energy saving contracting process enabled a significant upgrade of the properties to be achieved. The conversion work will be carried out as far as possible during regular operations.

Steffen Haller
Head of the Energy Efficiency division

Further references