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To our customers and business partners: Cooperation during the COVID-19 pandemic

19 March 2020
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We are currently in an exceptional situation, the likes of which we have not yet experienced nationally or internationally. The rapid spread of the corona virus affects all of us, whether privately or professionally. The adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on everyday life are now also noticeable for companies.

We would like to take this opportunity to assure you that we are doing everything in our power to maintain our performance readiness during this extraordinary time.

Our local crisis teams and the central crisis team of ENGIE Deutschland are in daily contact to assess the situation and make the necessary decisions at short notice. We are also in daily contact with our parent company.

Of course, we also feel a responsibility towards our employees and want to protect them from possible infection. To reduce the speed at which the virus spreads, we are therefore currently focusing more on mobile working, which is possible thanks to our state-of-the-art IT infrastructure with end-to-end cloud-based IT systems. Many of our employees can access systems and files from any location and are therefore fully operational from home.

As we should refrain from physical meetings at the moment in our mutual interest, we offer our customers to conduct meetings and appointments online until further notice.

Our employees who work on construction sites or in our customers' premises are of course equipped with the necessary personal protective equipment as required.

Despite the adverse circumstances and the great challenges that we, as companies and citizens, have to face in the coming days and weeks, we are convinced that we will continue to be a reliable and competent partner for you in these times. The further effects and consequences of the corona crisis cannot, of course, be assessed and evaluated at this point in time.

For more specific queries, your usual contact persons in our company are available at any time.

Astrid Schatz
Chief Communication Officer
ENGIE Deutschland GmbH