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ENGIE Deutschland: Digitale Berliner Energietage 2021

Green energy concept: ENGIE Deutschland moves Biberach district office forward on decarbonization path

07 December 2022
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  • With a modern district heating concept, ENGIE Deutschland is preparing the heat supply in the Biberach district for the future.
  • Several properties in Riedlingen are benefiting from a new district heating network and efficient energy supply contracting, thus reducing
    CO2 emissions by 212 tons per year.

Cologne - All good things come in threes: ENGIE Deutschland is supporting the Biberach District Office in decarbonizing three public buildings in Riedlingen. With a modern district heating concept, the specialist for technology, energy and service is enabling the climate-friendly heat supply of the Riedlingen Vocational School, the neighboring residential and medical center and the nursing home of the St. Elisabeth Foundation. Until commissioning on October 1, 2022, a gas boiler acted as the energy source for the vocational school, while heat for the residential and medical center was supplied via the central heating system of the adjacent former hospital. The need for a climate-friendly and economical solution was therefore great, as Biberach's District Administrator Mario Glaser explains: "We had clearly defined requirements for our new heat supply right from the start. Our goal was to generate energy from at least 80 percent renewable sources. Now we can say with conviction: ENGIE Deutschland has far exceeded our expectations." The experts were not only responsible for the planning, construction and financing of the local heating network and a new heating center, but will also take over operation, maintenance and servicing for the next 15 years as part of an energy supply contract.

Sustainable, efficient and future-proof

The green energy supply succeeds thanks to a comprehensive energy concept that is precisely tailored to the three properties. A pellet boiler with an output of 330 kilowatts covers 92 percent of the annual heat demand from renewable sources. For peak loads and redundancy, there is a dual boiler system powered by biomethane gas with two 430-kilowatt boilers. In addition, the team of experts from ENGIE Deutschland installed a 350-meter-long local heating pipeline, equipped the old heating distributors and heating circuit controls with the latest technology standards, and optimized the water heating system in the residential and medical building. In total, ENGIE Deutschland invested around 1.1 million euros in the construction measures, which began at the end of April 2022. For ENGIE project manager Tobias App, the investment has definitely paid off: "Thanks to the use of state-of-the-art technologies, our customer can rely on the safe and efficient operation of its facilities at all times and also benefits from energy costs that can be planned over the long term. That is enormously important in times like these. In addition, the heating technology will save the district 212 tons of CO2  per year in the future compared to the previous generators - and thus takes a big step toward climate neutrality. We are proud to accompany the Biberach district office on this journey."



On behalf of the Biberach District Office, ENGIE Deutschland is driving forward the climate-neutral energy supply of three Riedlingen properties.

Your contact

Astrid Schatz
Chief Communication Officer
ENGIE Deutschland GmbH