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ENGIE strengthens Aachen competence network for innovative construction

08 February 2021
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ENGIE Deutschland is 120th Member of the AACHEN BUILDING EXPERTS e. V. (ABE)

ENGIE Deutschland has become the 120th Member of the ABE. "ENGIE is a strong partner for the promotion of innovations in the field of building technology, technical facility management and resource-efficient and circuit-oriented construction. With the help of their technical, energy and service expertise, we can make a big difference in this area," explains Goar T. Werner, Managing Director of ABE. As a "strong innovation driver", ENGIE ideally complements the competence network for innovative construction along the entire value chain.

"ENGIE Deutschland covers all services that are relevant for a sustainable energy future: from resource-conserving energy generation through technology for planning, building and operating building and energy systems to energy procurement and optimization of consumption," emphasizes Sven Gelezas, Regional Manager West in the Building Technologies division of ENGIE Deutschland GmbH.

The Aachen Innovation Network has developed very well in the last year, even under corona conditions. By acting flexibly, the ABE was able to carry out many knowledge transfer activities online and, in some cases, in face-to-face events, despite the corona pandemic. In its fifth year of existence, the network, which was founded in 2016, has now finally established itself as a contact point for companies along the entire construction value chain. All participants share an interest in developing ideas and implementing innovations together.

Like ENGIE Deutschland, ABE member companies currently come mainly from the Rhineland. "But we also see great interest from companies from all over North Rhine-Westphalia and beyond," explains Joachim Nesseler, chairman of ABE and managing partner of robert grünzig GmbH &Co. KG, the holding company of the nesseler grünzig group. "Innovative and young companies from all over Germany are coming to us in order to jointly promote new products, processes and business models through exchange, cooperation and projects," Nesseler continues.


The AACHEN BUILDING EXPERTS e. V. (ABE) was founded on August 8, 2016 by 33 founding members with the participation of the former NRW Minister of Building Michael Groschek.

Today, more than 100 leading companies from the construction and real estate sectors as well as the universities of applied sciences and industry RWTH Aachen and FH Aachen are coming together in the supra-regional competence network for innovative construction along the entire construction value chain in order to promote and implement innovations and develop new concepts for education and training through the close and direct interaction of science and industry.

Areas of interest of ABE include Building Information Modeling (BIM), Smart Building (in particular TGA), materials and processes, e.g. resource-efficient and circuit-oriented construction, and textile construction. In addition, ABE networks its members with students from both Aachen universities and industry-specific startups.


Astrid Schatz
Chief Communication Officer
ENGIE Deutschland GmbH