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ENGIE for the fifth consecutive year on the A-list of the Agency for Sustainability Ranking (CDP)

14 December 2020
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Cologne/Berlin, December 14, 2020 - For the fifth time in a row, ENGIE has now made it to the A-list of the CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project). The annual ranking of the non-financial rating agency, which specializes in environmental impacts, is widely recognized as the global benchmark for transparency of the environmental performance of companies.

With its A-list assessment, the CDP rewards ENGIE's commitment to reducing its CO2 emissions, mitigating climate risks and making the transition to a climate-neutral economy. Since 2015, the Group has reduced its direct CO2 emissions – known as Scope 1 – by more than 50 percent, increased its capacity to generate solar energy by more than six times and increased its wind capacity by 20 percent. At the beginning of 2019, it committed to increase its installed capacity for renewable electricity generation by nine gigawatts by 2021. As a leading specialist for technology, energy and service, ENGIE Deutschland has realized savings of 1.22 million tons of CO2 emissions for its customers in around 25 years via energy-saving contracting.

Leader in international comparison

Every year, the CDP assesses companies worldwide on the completeness of their declaration, on the level of their environmental awareness and on their handling of environmental risks. Demonstration of best practices in the context of environmental leadership, for example by setting ambitious and relevant targets, is also included in the assessment. Of the 285 suppliers surveyed worldwide, only eight European companies were listed in the category "Climate Change". For the purposes of the assessments, companies are invited to disclose relevant data on environmental risks. Companies that do not comply with this request are rated "F" by CDP. For all others, the rating scale ranges from "A" to "D".


Alexa Schröder
Head of Corporate Communications
ENGIE Deutschland GmbH