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ENGIE Deutschland Zero Carbon-Magazin: Energiespar-Contracting hilft Energieeffizienz in Gebäuden auf die Sprünge

ENGIE Deutschland achieves record in energy-saving contracting

10 September 2020
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  • Since 1994, ENGIE Deutschland has saved around 1.22 million tons of CO2 emissions and 409 million euros in energy costs through energy-saving contracting projects
  • Customers in Germany benefit from planning reliability and guaranteed cost savings for more than 100 projects


Cologne - Savings of 409 million euros in energy costs and 1.22 million tons of CO2 emissions over some 25 years – this is the balance of ENGIE Deutschland GmbH in terms of energy-saving contracting. Since the start of its activities in 1994, the leading specialist for technology, energy and service has completed exactly 102 projects for customers from various sectors
- especially from the public sector – and invested more than 183 million euros for this purpose (including monitoring, operation and financing). On average, each customer benefits from a huge energy cost reduction of 30.2 percent compared to the baseline, i.e. the energy costs at the start of the project. The average duration of the contract is now twelve years; In 2014, it was still eight. Energy-saving contracting is a success story for ENGIE Deutschland, as Stefan Schwan, member of the Executive Board, emphasizes: "We invest and our customers save – that's how energy-saving contracting can be summed up. At ENGIE Deutschland, it is particularly important to us that we create a customized energy concept for each customer. In this way, we ensure that the respective measures have the highest possible energy efficiency and that we reduce both the energy costs and the emissions as far as possible. Not only do our customers benefit from this, but we also make an important contribution to protecting the environment – in line with ENGIE's zero-carbon strategy." A calculation example illustrates how big this contribution has been since 1994: The CO2 savings of 1.22 million tons achieved by ENGIE Deutschland with energy-saving contracting projects corresponds to the emission of 750,000 VW Golf* or a driving distance of 11.27 billion kilometers. This, in turn, equals 75 times the distance from Earth to the Sun – a remarkable record.

Energy in the all-inclusive package

For energy-saving contracting (ESC); ENGIE Deutschland – the contractor – offers the customer guaranteed energy savings. The contractor prefinances the necessary technical efficiency measures, which pay off through the energy costs saved, and then implements the measures. The customer benefits from less administration and coordination as well as reduced costs. In recent years, numerous customers of ENGIE Deutschland have already used this model: These include the Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich, the University Hospital Bonn, the Police Department St. Augustin and the city of Plochingen with a total of 14 urban properties – from nurseries and schools to the municipal bath. For further information, please visit the website of ENGIE Deutschland at:

*Assumption: VW Golf 1.6 TDI, 109 g/km, 15.000 km/

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Astrid Schatz
Chief Communication Officer
ENGIE Deutschland GmbH