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ENGIE Deutschland Zero Carbon-Magazin: Windenergie: Neue Perspektiven nach dem Auslaufen der EEG-Förderung

ENGIE bundles renewable energy activities in new company

25 March 2022
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  • ENGIE Deutschland Erneuerbare GmbH launched in January
  • Focus on project development for wind and solar PV, repowering and operational management

Berlin - ENGIE Deutschland has bundled its activities for renewable energies in a separate company. ENGIE Deutschland Erneuerbare GmbH was launched as a spin-off of ENGIE Deutschland GmbH at the beginning of the year. The managing director is Ralf Schürkamp, previously Head of the Renewables Business Unit at ENGIE Deutschland GmbH. TEVARO GmbH, a 100% subsidiary of ENGIE Deutschland for project development, is also incorporated into ENGIE Deutschland Erneuerbare GmbH.

In addition to operating ENGIE's 14 wind farms in Germany, the company includes the development and construction of onshore wind turbines and large-scale PV as well as repowering. The Pfreimd power plant group with its run-of-river and pumped storage power plants and a battery storage facility is also part of the new company.

"Renewable energies are a core business for ENGIE. The establishment of ENGIE Deutschland Erneuerbare GmbH participates to the Group’s strategy for the energy transition, setting the course for further growth in Germany. We want to achieve this through cooperation with and acquisitions of project developers in onshore wind and large-scale PV. We will further optimize and expand our existing business in wind, photovoltaics and hydropower. We also offer solutions for "de-subsidized" wind power plants, from purchase to marketing," says Ralf Schürkamp.

In the last year’s September tender of the German Federal Network Agency, ENGIE was awarded a total of 50 megawatts and is currently preparing repowering projects in Karstädt (Brandenburg) and Lövenich (North Rhine-Westphalia), among others.

ENGIE, as a worldwide energy player, stands for the transition to climate neutrality. Renewable energies are part of its core businesses, as are efficient customer solutions. ENGIE aims to grow from 34 GW of installed capacity in renewables worldwide today to 50 GW by 2025, and 80 GW by 2030.

Ralf Schürkamp, Executive Director ENGIE Deutschland Erneuerbare GmbH

Alexa Schröder
Head of Corporate Communications
ENGIE Deutschland GmbH