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ENGIE und Currenta haben ein Power Purchase Agreement abgeschlossen, das die E-Ladeinfrastruktur des Chemparks mit hochwertigem Grünstrom aus der Region versorgt.

Currenta relies on green power supply contract with ENGIE

12 October 2021
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  • ENGIE and Currenta save CO2 and implement sustainable mobility at the Currenta sites
  • The Power Purchase Agreement concluded from subsidized wind turbines provides for 50 gigawatt hours of electricity over a 16-month period

Cologne/Leverkusen – The Chempark operator Currenta and energy supplier ENGIE have concluded a green electricity supply agreement (Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)). ENGIE will supply Currenta with renewable electricity from three German wind farms, along with the associated certificates of origin. The wind farms will therefore be maintained after the expiry of the EEG support for the energy transition and will be used for sustainable mobility. Currenta will supply its own e-charging stations and its customers' charging infrastructure with high-quality green electricity from the region. ENGIE will supply 50 gigawatt hours of electricity over 16 months; with this amount, a common electric car could circle the planet about 9,000 times. Dr. Alexander von Scheven, who developed electric mobility as a digital business model in the Chempark, emphasizes: "I am delighted that together with ENGIE we are able to offer our customers locally generated green electricity and thus contribute to the decarbonization of mobility."

Green power supply agreements as part of the sustainability strategy

Currenta is thus acting in the spirit of the energy transition – also with regard to the desired and highly ambitious expansion of renewable energies in Germany. "We are already stimulating the expansion of renewables by using electrode boilers for flexible electricity-based heat generation to supplement gas-based heat generation in our combined heat and power (CHP) plants. In addition, CHP plants are known for their high energy efficiency,"says Dr. Hans-Jörg Preisigke, Head of Energy Policy at Currenta. "In this respect, the use of green power also fits into this strategy on sustainability, which we naturally want to expand."

"We are delighted to be able to support Currenta as an energy partner in the further implementation of its sustainability strategy. Green power supply contracts are an excellent way to save CO2 in terms of the environment and economy," says Jörg Nauerth, Senior Originator of ENGIE.

Important contribution to decarbonization: ENGIE and Currenta have concluded a Power Purchase Agreement that provides the e-charging infrastructure of the Chempark with high-quality green electricity from the region.

About Currenta
As manager and operator of the Chempark with the locations Leverkusen, Dormagen and Krefeld-Uerdingen, Currenta maintains one of the largest chemical parks in Germany at one of the largest industrial sites in Europe. Currenta offers chemical and technical services at the three locations for a total of about 70 companies in the chemical park. These include energy supply, disposal, infrastructure, security, analytics and training. In addition, there are other services such as maintenance and logistics for the two subsidiaries Tectrion GmbH and Chemion Logistik GmbH. Currenta GmbH &Co. OHG, which has been operating as CURRENTA on the market since 2008, has around 3,300 employees (approx. 5,400 employees incl. subsidiaries) with whom sales of approx. €1.3 billion (€1.6 billion incl. subsidiaries) were generated in 2020. 

Press contact
Currenta GmbH & Co. OHG
Maximilian Laufer
Press spokesman
Tel: +49 172 1785130

Alexa Schröder
Head of Corporate Communications
ENGIE Deutschland GmbH