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ENGIE Zero Carbon-Magazin: Berliner Energietage 2021: Auf dem Weg zum klimaneutralen Gebäude

On the way to a climate-neutral property: From "why" to "how"

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ENGIE Germany discussed in the context of the Berlin Energy Days

Everyone agrees: Buildings must make their contribution to climate protection  - in just under 30 years they should be climate-neutral throughout the EU. We discussed with our experts from business, research and politics why it is worthwhile for property owners and investors to work intensively on the sustainability of their assets, how sustainability can be measured and what the path to a climate-neutral building looks like.

Click here for the interviews of the ENGIE panel:

Introduction Moderation Christian Noll, Managing Director of the German Corporate Initiative for Energy Efficiency (DENEFF)
Susann Bollmann, Member of the DENEFF Executive Board Green Deal – Renovation Wave – Taxonomy: Where is the journey in the building sector going?
Susanne Eickermann-Riepe, CEO RICS Deutschland Sustainability and return: How do they fit together?
Dr. Markus Bell, Bell Management Consultants How are sustainability and smart technologies integrated into the evaluation of buildings/neighborhoods?
Simon Greif, Research Assistant, Research Center for Energy Economy e.V. Decide today for tomorrow - classification of the technological and economic approaches for the heating transition
Stefan Schwan, Head of Facility Services at ENGIE Germany, Example of implementation in practice

Discussion with representatives from politics

Dr. Julia Verlinden, MP Bundestag faction BÜNDNIS 90/Die Grünen, speaker for energy policy
Prof. Dr. Martin Neumann, MP FDP Bundestag, Member of the Committee on Economic &Energy
Karsten Möring, MP CDU/CSU Bundestag faction, member of the Committee on the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and the Committee on Construction, Housing, Urban Development and Local Government
Timon Gremmels, MP SPD Bundestag faction, member of the Committee on Economic Affairs and Energy; Rapporteur of the SPD Bundestag faction for solar energy

Your contact

Alexa Schröder
Head of Corporate Communications
ENGIE Deutschland GmbH

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