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ENGIE Deutschland Zero Carbon-Magazin: Editorial Manfred Schmitz

Impulse #8: Meaningfulness as a success factor

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01 October 2021

September is always an exciting time, because we welcome our new trainees and dual students at ENGIE Deutschland. Nationwide, 54 new colleagues start in our team this year, and I am pleased about that. I still remember how I felt as a young man: I was desperate to find a job that I would enjoy and which would be fulfilling in the long term. Fortunately, I have been achieving my personal goal at ENGIE Deutschland for many years. Of course, I look at the subject today not only through my personal glasses, but from the perspective of the employer. What makes working at ENGIE Deutschland so special, and how can we attract the best specialists and managers in the war for talent? We have been working intensively on this question internally over the past few months. To start with, the process was thoroughly interesting. And that's what I want to share with you today.

At ENGIE Deutschland we are a strong team with a clear goal: We are already providing the answers to the climate questions of tomorrow!

We have a strong employer brand

The launch took place in the first quarter of 2021, in cooperation with an external employer brand specialist. The goal was clear: to develop a new Employer Brand for ENGIE Deutschland that expresses our special features, differentiates us from other companies and, above all, is authentic. Not an easy task, considering that we have grown significantly in recent years and form a decentralized organization with several, very different business areas and consequently various job profiles. But: We are a team! That is why we have started an extensive research phase and interviewed more than 50 colleagues from different locations and all job areas in focus groups. The process was supplemented by individual interviews with selected specialists and managers. By the way, I was one of the interviewees – very exciting to deal with the different dimensions of an employer brand. What did the survey reveal? Of course, I was just as excited about this as you, dear readers, may be now.

Why ENGIE scores as an employer

The most important findings, and I am proud of them: ENGIE Deutschland is a company that has a tremendous team spirit and scores above all in the areas of sustainability and job security. In addition, the employees attest to our better-than-average conduct during the corona pandemic. Sustainability is what sets us apart from many other companies. "Zero Carbon Transition as a Service" is what we at the ENGIE Group have written on our banners – and this strategy speaks to our employees: from the heart, because the future of our planet is important to us all. Climate neutrality alone as a vision is no longer a winning formula. However: Only a few organizations and companies can claim to be actively working on the challenges of the future and to contribute to a genuine solution. At ENGIE Deutschland, we do exactly that: We are already providing the answers to the climate questions of tomorrow. This overarching goal makes sense, and that makes our Employer Brand unique. Our employees as well as potential applicants can rely on this.

Working with Purpose: as a team for climate neutrality

Generating energy in a way that conserves resources, renovating buildings, using climate-friendly technologies – this is our contribution to achieving the goal of "Climate Neutrality 2045". Our daily business is highly relevant. Everyone is talking about 2045, but we must take the decisive steps today! The entire ENGIE Deutschland team is committed to this. It is always the people who make the difference – and we have experts in the company who act with passion and conviction. We don't just talk; we do. I am extremely proud of that!

Dear readers: If I have piqued your interest, then you can look forward to our new employer website, which we will be launching in the course of the last quarter and which, by the way, will be integrated into a completely redesigned website. And if you know someone in your area for whom ENGIE Deutschland could be the right company: Feel free to visit our job portal. We are constantly growing and typically have more than 200 vacancies listed. If you would like to exchange information about Employer Brand in general, please contact me  by e-mail. I look forward to hearing from you!

warmest regards

Your Manfred Schmitz
CEO ENGIE Deutschland

Our Expert

Manfred Schmitz
Once a month, Manfred Schmitz, CEO of ENGIE Deutschland, shares his view on current topics in our column Impulse.

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