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Auch indirekte Emissionen kompensieren: Mit Herkunftsnachweis die Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie gemäß Scope 2 umfassend umsetzen. So unterstützen die Expert:innen von ENGIE Deutschland Sie auf dem Weg in die Klimaneutralität.

Green electricity certificates

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Indirect emissions also compensate: Comprehensively implement the sustainability strategy in accordance with Scope 2 with a certificate of origin. This is how the experts at ENGIE Germany support you on the path to climate neutrality.

Individual solutions for your requirements

  • Indirect emissions
    clean compensation

  • Transparent and credible strategy
    when purchasing green electricity

  • Basis for CDP reporting
    or RE100 membership

Are you looking for the right green electricity product with a certificate of origin (HKN)?

Green electricity certificates

If you as a company want to compensate for your indirect emissions – for example, Scope 2 emissions from your fleet or your supply chain – as part of your sustainability strategy, green electricity products are the right way forward. With green electricity certificates or certificates of origin companies and suppliers can prove the source of production of the purchased electricity. A robust, transparent and credible green power strategy is an important building block for any company striving for CDP reporting or RE100 membership.

ENGIE's experts take into account the key factors in the procurement of green electricity.

  • Technology, plant age, unsubsidized plants
    We procure the assets that match your procurement strategy. ENGIE has its own portfolio of old and new plants in Germany and internationally.

  • Long-term decrease, simultaneity
    You as a company can add additionality to your procurement by means of long-term offtake or simultaneity. Our blockchain systems TEO and EngieNow already offer such solutions for you today.

  • Procurement of bundled & unbundled
    We can supply you with electricity and certificates of origin or alternatively we can only supply certificates of origin separately from the electricity.

  • Sustainability and environmental reporting
    We procure transparent, credible and internationally recognized green power products for you in accordance with obligations to investors: the RE100, your Science Based Target (SBTi) or your environmental reporting.

We would be happy to advise you!

Knowledge: What is a certificate of origin?

A guarantee of origin (GoO) proves that an amount of energy equal to one MWh was produced from renewable sources and fed into the power grid. By purchasing certificates of origin, a company can prove that the electricity it consumes is green, i.e. comes from renewable sources. There are different certifications in different global economic regions and consequently several names, for example GoOs, I-RECs, RECs.

Your contact

Sarah Drevermann
Senior originator Renewables

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