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Effizient, nachhaltig, planbar: das Energieliefer-Contracting von ENGIE Deutschland

Energy supply contracting

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With the energy supply contracting of ENGIE Germany you get heating, cooling and power to supply your property. We also supply operating media such as steam, compressed air, nitrogen and water for your production processes. We invest for you in a modern energy center, handle operations and take care of the maintenance.

Your advantages with our energy supply contracting

  • Guaranteed availability
    Secure energy and media supply in agreed quantities and quality

  • Zero risk
    We assume responsibility for your energy and media supply in accordance with all legal and regulatory requirements, e.g. compliance with primary energy factors or CO2 limits.

  • Efficient and sustainable
    With the latest technology, we ensure the smooth operation of your systems in order to save energy costs and reduce CO2 emissions.

  • Expertise from energy experts
    We advise you on funding opportunities and bring in our know-how to optimize your operating costs.

  • On the safe side
    Thanks to our 24-hour monitoring and an emergency service for your systems.

Contact us.

We would be happy to advise you individually on energy supply contracting.

Energy supply contracting for more efficiency and planning reliability

ENGIE Germany's energy supply contracting system offers you efficient energy and media supply and energy costs that can be planned in the long term. To achieve these goals, we start with a technical analysis as a first step. Depending on the system condition, we plan, realize and finance a suitable new system for you or develop concepts for improving the operational management of existing systems, for example control optimization. In the second step, we optimize the conditions for obtaining primary energy for you. In the third step, we handle the operation of your systems – including 24-hour service, maintenance and repair services and necessary replacement investments – in order to achieve and maintain a high degree of efficiency. This enables us to guarantee the delivery of media at an efficient rates throughout the entire duration of the contract.

Our energy supply contracting department supports you in the  decarbonization of your properties and processes and can thereby contribute significantly to achieving climate neutrality. We work with you to develop a customized plan for supplying your buildings and your plants with green energy. We handle the financing, construction and operation of decentralized energy generation plants at your site and take care of net-zero emissions for you in the long term.

Related information on energy supply contracting

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On the way to climate neutrality: How companies grow with "Real Zero"

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Reference projects

Your contacts

Michael Worgitzki
Expert Energy Supply Contracting
Head of Sales Large Real Estate
Olaf Beyer
Head of Real Estate Management

Otto Klatte
Head of Sales Industry

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